
Product In stock Amount Buy
(VIP) King acc 14 дней farm
King (USA) 7 DAYS FARM FP | FP | There are actions outside FB. Interests. Categories. Advertising in the feed | - Filling out Bio/Hobbies. MANUAL FARM + DOCUMENTS FOR PASSING ZRD and SELFIE! kir 38 3.86 $ / 1 pcs
King (USA) 7 DAYS FARM FP | FP | There are actions outside FB. Interests. Categories. Advertising in the feed | - Filling out Bio/Hobbies. MANUAL FARM + DOCUMENTS FOR PASSING ZRD and SELFIE! kir 29 3.96 $ / 1 pcs
King (USA) 7 DAYS FARM FP | Friends 10-40 | There are actions outside FB. Interests. Categories. Advertising in the feed | - Filling out Bio/Hobbies. MANUAL FARM + DOCUMENTS FOR PASSING ZRD and SELFIE! kir 112 4.22 $ / 1 pcs
King (USA) 14 DAYS FARM FP | There are actions outside FB. Interests. Categories. Advertising in the feed | - Filling out Bio/Hobbies. MANUAL FARM + DOCUMENTS FOR PASSING ZRD and SELFIE! kir 0 3.30 $ / 1 pcs
14 DAYS! (USA) FARM STRONG with friends from 10 to 100 USA There are actions outside the FB. Interests. Categories. Advertising in the feed | - Filling out Bio/Hobbies. MANUAL FARM + DOCUMENTS FOR PASSING ZRD and SELFIE! kir 0 4.83 $ / 1 pcs
King (UA) 7 DAYS FARM | Friends 10-40 | There are actions outside FB. Interests. Categories. Advertising in the feed | - Filling out Bio/Hobbies. MANUAL FARM + DOCUMENTS FOR PASSING ZRD and SELFIE! kir 49 4.01 $ / 1 pcs
UA KING | Manual farming 7+ days | Ukraine | Email with access | 2FA activated | External farming 100+ actions | Extensive cookies | Profile is complete | 10+ photos | 20+ posts | 20+ friends | Photo for selfie and card for entry into the air defense station included 1 2.96 $ / 1 pcs
UA KING | Manual farming 20+ days | Ukraine | 2 Fan Pages created and filled | Email with access | 2FA activated | External farming 100+ actions | Extensive cookies | Profile is complete | 10+ photos | 20+ posts | 20+ friends | Photo for selfie and card for entry to air defense included 11 6.19 $ / 1 pcs
UA KING | Manual farming 30+ days | Ukraine | 2 Fan Pages created and filled | Email with access | 2FA activated | External farming 100+ actions | Extensive cookies | Profile is complete | 10+ photos | 20+ posts | 20+ friends | Photo for selfie and card for entry into the air defense station included 0 8.25 $ / 1 pcs
Passed "ZRD"
Ukraine | MANPADS KING | Farm 20 days | FP | 10-100 friends | Email with access | Age 60+ days | Interests; Advertising in the feed | 2FA | Great for long hours | High Trust | User-Agent; Token; Cookiesesk 6 6.92 $ / 1 pcs
USA | MANPADS KING | Farm 20 days | FP | 10-100 friends | Email with access | Age 60+ days | Interests; Advertising in the feed | 2FA | Great for long hours | High Trust | User-Agent; Token; Cookiesesk 0 8.43 $ / 1 pcs
PZRD KING UA ✅ + 2 BM | Farm 20+ days | 4 Fan Page | Email+ | Friends 10-100 | Age 60+ days | Surfing FB, reposts, likes, joining groups | Farming on external sites with FB pixel | Advertising in the feed | User-Agent; Token; Cookiesesk 45 7.84 $ / 1 pcs
KING! (PL) Facebook acc + 1-2 - BM PZRD SMS+ Rega to your phone + Email! + Friends 0-10+! - +0-2 BM PZRD + FP page 46 3.40 $ / 1 pcs
KING! (UA) Facebook acc + 1-2 - BM PZRD SMS+ Rega to your phone + Email! + Friends 0-10+! - +0-2 BM PZRD + FP page 3 3.38 $ / 1 pcs
KING! (USA) Facebook acc + 1-2 - BM PZRD SMS+ Rega to your phone + Email! + Friends 0-10+! - +0-2 BM PZRD + FP page 9 3.75 $ / 1 pcs
Facebook USA . Passed ZRD + Token EAAB + Farm partially 30 3.40 $ / 1 pcs
UA PZRD ✅ KING Ukraine| Autoreg | ZRD passed in PM! Rega on your phone + MAIL! fiercely 71 2.48 $ / 1 pcs
USA PZRD ✅ KING | farm 3-7 days | Created Business Manager 1-2 Email with access Documents for ZRD Pass 0 3.04 $ / 1 pcs
KING (mask) with 5-9 RK
SET UP UA | KING + 9 RK | Manual farming 7+ days | Ukraine | 9 accounts included including RK ID; linked on KING | Email with access | 20+ friends 19 8.40 $ / 1 pcs
SET UP UA | KING + 7 RK | Manual farming 7+ days | Ukraine | 7 accounts included including RK ID; linked on KING | Email with access | 20+ friends 4 7.60 $ / 1 pcs
SET UP UA | KING + 5 RK | Manual farming 7+ days | Ukraine | 5 accounts included including RK ID; linked on KING | Email with access | 20+ friends 11 6.55 $ / 1 pcs
SET UP USA | KING + 9 RK | Manual farming 7+ days | USA | 9 accounts included including RK ID; linked on KING | Email with access | 20+ friends 0 11.10 $ / 1 pcs
SET UP USA | KING + 5 RK | Manual farming 7+ days | USA | 5 accounts included including RK ID; linked on KING | Email with access | 20+ friends 0 8.60 $ / 1 pcs
UA KING | Manual farming 5+ days | Украина | 3-8 photos | Email with access | Likes, reposts, completely manual activity| Email with access | 15+ friendsyaros 1 1.56 $ / 1 pcs
USA KING | Manual farming 3+ days | USA | Added 5-10 photos | Email with access | 20+ friends | Card for filling out the ZRD included | Trust 0 1.90 $ / 1 pcs
PL KING | Manual farming 3+ days | PL | Added 5-10 photos | Email with access | 20+ friends | Card for filling out the ZRD included | Trust 138 1.90 $ / 1 pcs
PRO! (PL) FB - Accounts with friends. mail+ Token(EAAB), mail: . Profile is partially filled, ava, cover, 3-8 photos, SMS+, e-mail+, Cookies (MANUAL FARM + TOKEN + Document for the passage of the ZRD)) tra 111 0.95 $ / 1 pcs
PRO! (USA) FB - Accounts with friends. mail+ Token(EAAB), mail: . Profile is partially filled, ava, cover, 3-8 photos, SMS+, e-mail+, Cookies (MANUAL FARM + TOKEN + Document for the passage of the ZRD)) tra 11 1.17 $ / 1 pcs
FR KING | Manual farming 3+ days | FRANCE | Added 5-10 photos | Email with access ( | Card for filling out the form includedtra" 175 1.21 $ / 1 pcs
UA KING | Manual farming 3+ days | Ukraine | Added 2-10 photos | 20-50+ friends #9 205 1.90 $ / 1 pcs
USA KING | Manual farming 5+ days | USA | 3-8 photos | Email with access | Likes, reposts, completely manual activity| Email with access | 15+ friendsyaros 27 1.71 $ / 1 pcs
PRO! (USA) FB - Accounts with friends. mail+ Token(EAAB), mail: . Profile is partially filled, ava, cover, 3-8 photos, SMS+, e-mail+, Cookies (MANUAL FARM + TOKEN + Document for the passage of the ZRD)) tra 0 0.95 $ / 1 pcs
Akki farm with BM 50/250$
(UA) Accounts with 2x Business Manager (2BM) | Limit 50-250$.! Registration on the phone! TOKEN+ - +3-5xFP +2xBM - There is farming! 254 2.57 $ / 1 pcs
(FR) Accounts with 2x Business Manager (2BM) | Limit 50-250$.! Registration on the phone! TOKEN+ - +3-5xFP +2xBM - There is farming! 205 1.93 $ / 1 pcs
(UA) Accounts with 2x Business Manager (2BM) | Limit 50-250$.! Registration on the phone! TOKEN+ - +3-5xFP +2xBM - There is farming! 138 2.71 $ / 1 pcs
(FRANCE) Samopharm Facebook accounts with 1-2x BM | Limit 50-250$. Confirmed by SMS+! TOKEN+ BM + FP 143 1.67 $ / 1 pcs
(PL) Accounts with 2x Business Manager (2BM) | Limit 50-250$.! Registration on the phone! TOKEN+ - +3-5xFP +2xBM - There is farming! 214 1.93 $ / 1 pcs
(UA) Accounts with 2x Business Manager (2BM) | Limit 50-250$.! Registration on the phone! TOKEN+ - +3-5xFP +2xBM - There is farming! 222 2.68 $ / 1 pcs
(USA) Accounts with 2x Business Manager (2BM) | Limit 50-250$.! Registration on the phone! TOKEN+ - +3-5xFP +2xBM - There is farming! 68 1.94 $ / 1 pcs
UA KING 50-250$ | Manual farming 5+ days | 1-2 Business Managers (BM) created | Ukraine | Email with access | Card for filling out the form included 209 1.69 $ / 1 pcs
PL KING $50-250 | Manual farming 5+ days | 1-2 Business Managers (BM) created | Poland | Email with access | Card for filling out the form included 126 1.51 $ / 1 pcs
(USA) Accounts with 2x Business Manager (2BM) | Limit 50-250$.! Registration on the phone! TOKEN+ - +3-5xFP +2xBM - There is farming! 104 2.57 $ / 1 pcs
(UA) Accounts with 2x Business Manager (2BM) | Limit 50-250$.! Registration on the phone! TOKEN+ - +2xBM - There is farming! 910 1.26 $ / 1 pcs
(USA) Facebook accounts c 1-2 x Business Manager | Limit 50-250$.! Reg on the phone! TOKEN+ | 2FA | +Prof. mode(trust) 147 1.45 $ / 1 pcs
OLD Business Manager (BM) 50-250$ | FP and RK created | Admin rights | Mail | 2 URLs | Antiban from 3 months to 2 years | Admins logout | The limit is growing quickly! 1 2.76 $ / 1 pcs
NEW Business Manager (BM) 50-250$ | FP and RK created | Admin rights | Mail | 2 URLs | Admins logout | The limit is growing quickly! 20 2.67 $ / 1 pcs
Accounts for AutoZaliva (With a token).
UA AUTOREG | | Ukraine | Partially full! | Avatar | Posts Reg. to real devicescae 594 0.59 $ / 1 pcs
FR AUTOREG | Avatar | Reg. to real devices + Email + Token 0 0.60 $ / 1 pcs
(PL) Facebook account|AutoRegistration|Register to active Mail |Gender F| Registered with UA ip|Cookies JSON| (NO token!)) 833 0.64 $ / 1 pcs
UA AUTOREG | 3 Fan Pages created and filled | | Avatar | Reg. to real devices 310 0.67 $ / 1 pcs
USA (США) Facebook account|AutoRegistration|Register to active Mail |Gender F| Registered with USA ip|Cookies JSON| (NO token!)) 0 0.60 $ / 1 pcs
FR AUTOREG | | France | Avatar | Active Mail | FP page has been created Token for car loading + Documents for ZRD Pass! tra 0 0.75 $ / 1 pcs
USA AUTOREG | Fan Pages | Avatar | Reg. na email 131 0.65 $ / 1 pcs
USA AUTOREG | Avatar | 1-5 profile photos | Partially filled | Subfarm for trust | | Suitable for RK transmission! | Reg. to real devices | Tem 418 0.59 $ / 1 pcs
UA (Ukraine) Facebook account|AutoRegistration|Register to active Mail |Gender F| Registered with UA ip|Cookies JSON| (NO token!)) 20 0.59 $ / 1 pcs
UA (Ukraine) Autofill Avatar + FP +cookie. SMS+ User-Agent FP 1-3 870 0.77 $ / 1 pcs
FP PZRD ✅ with subfarm | Reg. 2019-2023 | Transfer to your profile within 30 minutes | WHOLESALE AVAILABLE! 111 3.84 $ / 1 pcs

*Свой заказ вы получите моментально после оплаты. Будет  ссылка на скачивание товара.

псс... Магазин никого не взламывает, никак не влияет на аккаунты и их владельцев. В соответствии с законодательством РФ/УК ПРЕДУПРЕЖДАЕТ! Магазин в свою очередь, покупает услуги информационного доступа, сортирует по запрашиваемым критериям и продает, (не неся ответственности за содержание информации), предупреждая, что в случае уничтожения, блокирования, модификации либо копировании данных может наступить ответственность.

Уважаемые друзья, я напоминаю, наш магазин не нарушает никаких законов и не каких прав третьих лиц. Весь товар который мы предлагаем не принадлежит третьим лицам. Если у вас есть вопросы - напишите нам по контактам и мы предоставим все разъяснения о происхождении товаров. Мы уважаем закон и стабильность в работе нас и наших клиентов для нас в приорете.

С уважение!